Iroquois Trail Campsite

Terrain de camping privé

Hwy 401, exit 526, 2 km N of Frankford on Hwy 33. Quiet family campground in heart of the Trent Valley overlooking the Trent River. Boating, fishing, grassy sites. Trailer supplies. Your hosts: Ken and Jane Laffin.


Toll Free: 877-246-4200

Map of Iroquois Trail Campsite

484 Frankford-Stirling Rd, RR 3
Frankford, ON
K0K 2C0

Attractions et services à proximité

Station de dumpingLaverieTéléphone publicFournitures RVBeach swimmingPêcheCour de récréation

Water park, Cycling, Fishing, Horseshoes, Restaurants

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